Saturday, October 27, 2012

Voter Fraud-kenstein

This morning I caught a few minutes of a CSPAN panel featuring Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report discussing the upcoming election.  Specifically I found interesting a comment he made about voter fraud (see here 54:00 - 55:00)  During the Bush years the DOJ found less than one case of voter fraud per state per year.  That would come out to 400 cases out of approximately 146MM registered voters.  Here are some stats on voter fraud from Mother Jones.  Obviously not an unbiased source but I have no reason to believe the numbers are incorrect.  And here is an article on voter fraud fraud which discusses where some of the allegations are coming from.  However type "voter fraud" into Google and we get 74,000 hits.  In some circles it is accepted fact that voter fraud is a massive problem.  Here is an sample from noted right-wing website FreeRepublic.  I think Cook gets it right - voter fraud is for people who cannot admit that their side can lose elections - either their candidate wins or there must have been voter fraud.

That got me thinking;  in the US citizens over the age of 18 can (still) vote.  In my home city of Chicago it is also a well established fact that the dead can vote (see here for a discussion of the 1960 election).  But can the undead vote ?  After discussing this matter with brother Alan I think we have come to the conclusion that
  • werewolves yes
  • vampires yes but only absentee
  • zombies yes (they generally vote R due to a lack of brains har har)
  • Frankenstein monsters no
Ironically I went to vote today and standing in line a few places behind me was former Mayor Daley.  Perhaps I should have asked him about voting rights for the undead. Or perhaps not.

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