Saturday, November 03, 2012

And Chicago Super-Accurate Polling says....

If I were to run through my LinkedIn list and poll a pre-selected panel of 100 persons I would bet that I could come up with nearly any result for this years elections that I wanted.  You want a poll that shows President Obama winning 65-35 ?  Chicago Super-Accurate Polling can produce that poll.  You want a poll showing Governor Romney winning 65-35 ?  We can do that too.  Then Chicago Super-Accurate Polling will package up your poll as a press release and send it out to the media.  But would the media publish Chicago Super-Accurate Polling polls?  Well they seem willing to disseminate the results of polls done by Wenzel Strategies so why not us?

Who is Wenzel Strategies?  They seem to be the favorite pollster of Citizen's United and of The Family Research Council.   Well just because they are affiliated with far right organizations does not mean their polls are necessarily biased (does it?).   Frankly I had never heard of them until I noticed their name come up as polling in Ohio for the Presidential race.  Here are the most recent results of Ohio polls (per 538 blog)

Polls Date Dem Rep Margin
Ipsos (online) 11/02/12 47 45 Obama +2.0
NBC/Marist 11/01/12 51 45 Obama +6.0
CNN/Opinion Research * 11/01/12 47 44 Obama +3.0
We Ask America 11/01/12 50.2 45.8 Obama +4.4
Ipsos (online) 11/01/12 47 45 Obama +2.0
Rasmussen 11/01/12 49 49 Tie
Ipsos (online) 10/31/12 48 45 Obama +3.0
Wenzel Strategies 10/31/12 46 49 Romney +3.0
PPP 10/30/12 50 45 Obama +5.0
U. of Cincinnati/Ohio Poll * 10/30/12 48 46 Obama +2.0
Grove 10/29/12 48 45 Obama +3.0
SurveyUSA 10/29/12 48 45 Obama +3.0
The New York Times/Quinnipiac 10/28/12 50 45 Obama +5.0
PPP 10/28/12 51 47 Obama +4.0
Rasmussen 10/28/12 48 50 Romney +2.0
Gravis Marketing 10/27/12 50 49 Obama +1.0
Mellman 10/25/12 49 44 Obama +5.0
American Research Group 10/25/12 49 47 Obama +2.0
CNN/Opinion Research * 10/25/12 48 44 Obama +4.0
Purple Strategies 10/25/12 46 44 Obama +2.0

Rasmussen has a history of polling a few points toward the R so these results are all pretty much in line - they show Obama with a 2 to 4 point lead in Ohio - with the exception of Wenzel.  Well maybe its just statistical noise in his sample.  So let's look at a few of Wenzel's other recent polls (polls again from 538).  Here is the Ohio Senate race of current Senator Sherrod Brown (D) vs State Treasurer Josh Mandel (R)

Polls Date Dem Rep Margin
Ipsos (online) 11/02/12 50 42 Brown +8.0
Ipsos (online) 11/01/12 50 42 Brown +8.0
Ipsos (online) 10/31/12 49 41 Brown +8.0
Wenzel Strategies 10/31/12 45 50 Mandel +5.0
U. of Cincinnati/Ohio Poll * 10/30/12 49 44 Brown +5.0
SurveyUSA 10/29/12 46 41 Brown +5.0
PPP 10/28/12 53 42 Brown +11.0
The New York Times/Quinnipiac 10/28/12 51 42 Brown +9.0
Gravis Marketing 10/27/12 48 47 Brown +1.0
Rasmussen 10/23/12 48 44 Brown +4.0
U. of Cincinnati/Ohio Poll 10/23/12 51 47 Brown +4.0
SurveyUSA * 10/22/12 43 42 Brown +1.0
Suffolk 10/21/12 46 39 Brown +7.0
Quinnipiac 10/20/12 51 42 Brown +9.0
PPP 10/20/12 49 44 Brown +5.0
Angus Reid 10/20/12 45 39 Brown +6.0
Rasmussen 10/17/12 49 44 Brown +5.0
SurveyUSA * 10/15/12 43 38 Brown +5.0
Pulse Opinion Research 10/15/12 47 41 Brown +6.0

Here is the Missouri Senate race of current Senator Claire McCaskill (D) vs Congressman Todd Akin (R)

Polls Date Dem Rep Margin
We Ask America * 10/30/12 48.6 45.2 McCaskill +3.4
Mason-Dixon 10/25/12 45 43 McCaskill +2.0
PPP * 10/21/12 46 40 McCaskill +6.0
Rasmussen 10/17/12 51 43 McCaskill +8.0
Wenzel Strategies 10/13/12 45 49 Akin +4.0
YouGov 10/11/12 47 42 McCaskill +5.0
PPP * 10/03/12 46 40 McCaskill +6.0
Rasmussen 10/02/12 51 45 McCaskill +6.0

Are you seeing a pattern here?  I am not the only person to have noticed the "uniqueness" of Wenzel's polling results (see here) but I believe that I am the only person to have used it as the inspiration to found my own polling firm.

Could Wenzel be correct about the Presidential race in Ohio?  Doubtful but possible.  Could Wenzel be correct about the Ohio Senate race?  No.  And I am willing to put my money where my mouth is on this one with odds.  Fritz Wenzel - I will agree to pay you 10,000 USD if Mandel wins if you agree to pay me 5,000 USD if Brown wins.  In fact I will make that bet with anyone.  Any takers?

ELECTION NIGHT UPDATE:  While I am disappointed that Mr. Wenzel didn't respond to my bet - I am still willing to accept 5,000 USD from him now that Sherrod Brown has whooped Josh Mandel  :)

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