Chicago Tribune: Gun Lobby Defends Call for Armed Guards At Schools
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The leader of the gun lobby on Sunday defended
his call for placing armed guards in all American schools despite
withering criticism of the group's response to the massacre of 20
first-graders in Newtown, Connecticut."
Actually that sounds like a great idea...let's do it. There are approximately 100,000 public schools in the US (see here). Let's put armed guards in each school. But not just one guard. That is not enough protection. If there was just one guard then a psycho-would-be-assailant could come to school shoot the one guard, and then we would be back in the same boat. No we should have maybe 20 guards per school. That should make it pretty safe. So in total 2MM new guards across the country. But not just any mal-trained guards...I want like marines or special ops types...well trained and heavily armed.
Per here the cost for an active military person is approximately 112,000 USD per year. That's a very rough number because the costs include pay, equipment, training, medical care, pensions etc...I assume my special ops guards would cost more than that...let's say 150,000 USD per guard per year. So that comes out to 2MM guards * 150,000 per guard = 300BB USD per year for my new special ops guards. That sounds like a lot of money - but not a problem. We could fund the new special ops school guard force with a tax on the firearms and ammunition industry. After all it was a suggestion by the NRA - the lobbying group for the firearms industry - so I assume they would be in favor of it. Per here the firearms industry generates 30BB USD of revenue per year. No problem...we will just increase the cost of each gun and bullet sold by a factor of ten to pay for my new special ops school guard force.
And finally in order to preserve the quality of the special ops school guard force let's have them report to the federal government ...maybe to the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms...or better yet maybe they could report to the United Nations. And they could fly around in black helicopters. Yeah I like this idea 2MM special ops forces, reporting to the UN, who fly around in black helicopter, and are funded by an enormous tax on the firearms industry.
"If it's
crazy to call for putting police and armed security in our schools to
protect our children, then call me crazy," National Rifle Association
Chief Executive Wayne LaPierre told NBC's "Meet the Press.""
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